Fairchain Coffee - making every sip count!


Working with a coffee brand breathing the same essence of what we believe in is important to us. 

Labels and initiatives like fairtrade and direct trade have done great work in raising awareness of the struggles and exploitations of coffee farmers and the standard of living. Yet, there are complexities and unintended contradictions to their efforts are a minefield when sourcing ethical coffee

Every coffee bean on the planet comes from the coffee belt but most of the profits, income and jobs are exported out of the belt leaving most coffee growing countries reliant on aid. 

50% of green bean export is controlled by 6 major multinationals and 5 multinationals are responsible for roasting 70% of the world’s coffee. Fairchain changes this. 

Moyee, our main coffee supplier, are the first Fairchain coffee company. They're committed to ensuring farmers get a better living wage and standard from their work, roast at origin to ensure more money and jobs stay in Ethiopia and Kenya, use shade grown techniques to reduce your cup of coffees environmental impact and are fully traceable. The beans they use too are ranked in the world’s top 5% in regards to their quality.

By roasting at origin and supporting workers in countries like Ethiopia and Kenya, Fairchain has 300% more impact for countries where the coffee in our cups originates from. Every sip counts. 

To prove their impact, they’re currently digitizing the coffee supplyu chain, from the farmer to your cup, to show who gets paid what

Check out the video on their mission and why we love their coffee!